Title: Rebirth (2020) 4K Complete Works Introduction: Qin Chi, the only survivor of the "714 gun case", the deputy captain of the Xiguan detachment, suffered heavy injuries and continued to fight against amnesia, solving the mystery while looking for the truth of the "714 gun case". In the play, Qin Chi, the action-oriented character with careful thought and few words, not only has to solve the "mystery" behind the intricate cases with his colleagues in the police station, but also has many mysteries to be solved urgently. The tough guy color and suspense Both brain burn and wind.
【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Rebirth (2020) 4K Complete Works
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文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Rebirth (2020) 4K Complete Works》
文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Rebirth (2020) 4K Complete Works》
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