Chinese title: Schindler’s List (1993) 4K HDR
English title: Schindler’s List
Film Year: 1993
Film Origin: United States
Genre: #drama/#history/#war
Dialogue Voices: English, Hebrew, German
Video subtitles: Chinese characters embedded subtitles
File size: 30.63GB
Movie Introduction: The German speculator Schindler (played by Liam Neeson) is a member of the Nazi Party. He is a womanizer, knows how to enjoy herself, and is a well-known Nazi hardcore member in the local area. He is good at using relationships with others to maximize profits. In occupied Poland, Jews were the cheapest labor. Therefore, Schindler’s factory only uses Jews. However, these people get this job and get temporary safety from massacres as producers of war products. Schindler’s factory became a sanctuary for the Jews.
【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Schindler's List (1993) 4K HDR
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文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Schindler's List (1993) 4K HDR》
文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Schindler's List (1993) 4K HDR》
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