Chinese title: Medici.Masters.of.Florence 1080p BluRay
English title: Medici.Masters.of.Florence
Film Year: 2017
Film Origin: United States
Movie Genre: #drama/#history
Dialogue Voice: English
Video subtitles: Inner Chinese characters
File size: 35.66GB
Movie synopsis: The legendary history of the Medici family, whose ascent from simple businessmen to powerful politicians inspired a series of economic and cultural changes. In the process, they defeated batch after batch of powerful enemies.
【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Medici.Masters.of.Florence 1080p BluRay
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文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Medici.Masters.of.Florence 1080p BluRay》
文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Medici.Masters.of.Florence 1080p BluRay》