Chinese Title: Lawless (2012) 1080P
English title: Lawless
Film Year: 2012
Film Origin: United States
Genre: Drama Crime Western
Dialogue language: English
Video subtitles: external subtitles
File size: 12.59GB
In Franklin, America in the 1930s, the three Bondurant brothers Forrest (Tom Hardy), Howard (Jason Clarke) and Jack (Shia LaBeouf) were doing private affairs. The wine business is booming and well-known in the local area. However, the real local gangster is Floyd Banner (Gary Oldman played by Gary Oldman). Forrest’s bar recruited a new waitress, Maggie Beauford (Jessica Chastain), while Jack fell in love with a priest’s daughter, Bertha Minnix (Mia Wasikowska). decoration). Jack often tinkers with his good friend Cricket Pate (Dane DeHaan Dane DeHaan Dane DeHaan Dane DeHaan Dane DeHaan Dane) together to make some novel things, but in the eyes of his two brothers he is always a kid who can’t really participate in their business. The newly appointed police officer Charley Rakes (Guy Pearce Guy Pearce) sees that the three Bondurant brothers are very unpleasant and have repeatedly provoked troubles. How will the three brothers face the challenge?
【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Lawless (2012) 1080P
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文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Lawless (2012) 1080P》
文章名称:《【Aliyun drive】【Movie】Lawless (2012) 1080P》
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